Guest Designer – JUGS Challenge #312 Photo Week

Hi! I’m excited to be here with you today with my 4th post as a Just Us Girls September Guest Designer! I have had a great time at JUGs this month and I hope that you’ve been inspired to play along with the challenges. This week is Photo Week Challenge #312:


I had a lot of fun making this card and I hope you enjoy seeing it. 🙂


I used PTI’s Flower Favorites stamp set, along with a Close to My Heart set entitled Your Own Kind of Beautiful. The embossing folder is from We R Memory Keepers Spotted 2-Pack.

Here’s a quick slide show of some of the steps I used in putting this card together. I’m going to play this over at Seize the Birthday’s Anything Goes.

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I’m also going to play at Fusion’s Peacock Dynasty challenge this week.

IMG_1158editedWell! This is the final week of September and my last post as GD at JUGs for the month. I would like to extend my thanks to the entire team for giving me this great opportunity. I look forward to playing along with you in the future.

Thanks for stopping by!

Places I’m Playing:


Flower Favorites Stamp SetWe R Memory Keepers Spotted 2-Pack Embossing Folder for Scrapbooking

Thanks to Gloria for sponsoring WAW and to Karen from WAW, from whom I won the sentiment and butterfly stamps!

Honored to be Guest Designing for:

Badge Guest sep 15

My 4 cards for JUGs’ September 2015 Challenges:



